Why Plastics Testing Is Essential

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Laboratory

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Plastics’ testing is commonplace for industrial companies planning to utilize such materials in their components or other products. The process covers a wide array of analytical approaches including

 * Chemical
 * Environmental
 * Mechanical
 * Physical
 * Thermal

All play a role in ensuring the suitability of plastics in applications. This includes even established material and applications.

Why Test Established Material and Applications?

It would seem natural not to continue testing materials and applications already approved. They have undergone analysis and other forms of testing in the past. However, it is essential to continue testing at random intervals. Human beings and even the most sophisticated of machinery make mistakes. They are fallible. The result of failing to test prior to production can lead to costly and dangerous errors in production.

Testing of plastics ensures proper quality control measures remain in place. With the complexity of plastics an issue, this is an important step in any manufacturing process. Changing legislation also has an impact on the manufacturing process. In order to keep in tune with the latest legislative stipulations, regular testing is essential. Testing will also continue to improve and increase as environmental concerns continue to emerge regarding specific plastic materials.

Why Test New Material, New Applications and/or New Products?

If you are planning to unleash a new product on the product, it is very important you get it right before you launch it on an unsuspecting public. The same applies if the intent is to repurpose an older material or jazz up current products. Plastics testing of the sample works to ensure the viability, suitability and safety of the material in these novice or new applications.

Why Test at the Design Stage?

The need to test comprehensively is an approach required from the beginning. At the design phase, plastic/polymer characterization becomes an integral aspect of design. It indicates the flexibility, mass weight, shape, size, purity, etc. of the polymers involved. Testing helps calculate the sample’s stress capabilities as well as the durability of specific materials. It can also note the potential for failure of the material when applied for a specific application.

If a designer fails to arrange for such tests, the entire project may not perform to expectations. This could be an extremely costly and even deadly error for the company. In the case of plastics, the ongoing discovery and reinvention or refinement of the material results in improvements a designer needs to discover and can point to potential failures he or she can avoid.

Plastics Testing

In order to reach the specified goal, a company needs to make sure the product achieves and maintains a certain standard of quality. While a company may utilize its own internal controls and testing, this may not be sufficient. In many stages, from design to prototypes, to product and re-invented product, professional plastics testing is the only option to ensure the ongoing safety and quality of the desired items.

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