Why Bother with Water Heater Maintenance in Norfolk VA?

by | Aug 29, 2016 | HVAC Contractors

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The average water heater is designed for a life span of eight to twelve years, so why should business and homeowners be concerned about water heater maintenance in Norfolk VA? There are several reasons to keep up with preventative and routine maintenance. The first is expanding the life span of the water heater. Proper maintenance can help the heater last to the higher end of the spectrum. At the very least, that provides four more years of service before the heater has to be replaced. That can save owners hundreds of dollars, and give them time to budget for a new unit.

Another reason is lower operating costs. A heater that is well maintained will operate more efficiently, which will reduce costs. Utility bills will be lower, hot water will be more reliable, and everything will get cleaner with less soap and detergents. Operating a dishwasher, for example, with water that does not stay hot will require more detergent in order to get dishes clean. It may also require an additive to remove water stains or food particles. The same will also be true of the clothes washer, and the shower. Purchasing extra cleaners, soaps, and shampoos will add up quickly over time. Keeping the heater maintained will eliminate the need for extra cleaners, and will help lower utility bills.

Water Heater Maintenance in Norfolk VA will also save money on repairs. Discovering repairs when they are minor will be less expensive to fix than major repairs. Cleaning the heater, and making sure components are not worn or leaking, will also reduce the need for repairs. Without maintenance, homeowners will not be aware of any issues, until the heater stops working entirely. By that time, a replacement may be required. Maintenance will also save a lot of time. Minor repairs are quick and easy to fix, lowering labor costs and service call times.

When a replacement is required, newer models are more energy-efficient, and many come with ten year warranties. Extended warranties are also available at a nominal cost. Selecting an experienced company for sales, installation, repairs, and maintenance can also save time and money. Customers can visit website for free estimates, details on products, and to learn about financing options.

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