What Kind of Doctor Do You see for Hepatitis C?

by | Apr 2, 2018 | Healthcare

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Hepatitis C is a condition that is passed via blood. In other words, it is transmitted from one person’s blood to another’s and the virus may cause the exposed individual to contract hepatitis C. It causes liver inflammation and problems with the function of the liver, and today it is curable with oral medications that will have to be used every day from anywhere between two and six months. Though according to Mayo Clinic, around half of the people with it are unaware they have it, they may not get treatment for years.

That leaves the question of just who you see for treatment, and a general answer would be digestive and liver disease consultants. Though it is quite common for your general practitioner or current healthcare provider to be the one who orders the testing and diagnoses you, it is typically digestive and liver disease consultants to whom you will turn for further care and treatment.

They do not always go by the name or term “digestive and liver disease consultants,” and if you have been diagnosed with hepatitis C, you might speak with a hepatologist who focuses entirely on diseases of the liver. You might also speak with a gastroenterologist as they focus on intestinal and stomach related diseases. You can also find treatment with doctors who focus on infectious disease.

Is there one sort of healthcare provider that is better than another? According to HepMag, “most people with hep C go to a gastroenterologist” or a hepatologist if they have no access to gastroenterologists.

When to See Digestive and Liver Disease Consultants
Can you just get in touch with consultants if you fear you have the condition? Generally, it is a good idea to visit your general physician first. They can often tell you if your symptoms are consistent with those associated with hepatitis C. For example, if you suddenly start to bruise easily, experience low appetite and great fatigue, have darkly colored urine, itchy skin and bleed easily, it is quite likely that they’ll test you for the virus. Sometimes, they may just recommend you get in touch directly with the appropriate consultants.

For those in the Jacksonville area, DDCJax.com or Digestive Disease Consultants is a leading provider of healthcare for those with digestive disorders as well as those infected with the hepatitis C virus. They have state of the art technologies and are able to help patients get the focused treatment needed.

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