Metal Machining: Basic CNC Terminology

by | Dec 14, 2017 | machining

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CNC metal machining is a trade and business. Like so many professions, it has its own language. For those outside of the industry, understanding it can be challenging. Below you will find a few terms common in CNC metal machine operations.

CAD: This is the acronym for computer-aided design. CAD programs generate a model of the part the operator intends to mill, render or print using 3D.

CAM: This is short for computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) or computer-aided machining. It refers to the software employed to control machine tools. CAM utilizes CAD to create the specific tool paths on a CNC machine. It will inform your machine what it is to do, where it is to go and how fast it should move.

CNC: Computer numerical control or CNC metal machining is a process utilizing computers to control machine tools.

Conversational: This is CNC work for simple jobs done without utilizing without CAD or CAM.

G-Code: This refers to the coding language a CNC controller reads. It lets the machine know what movements it needs to make at what speeds and other functions.

Offsets (Tool): This informs the CNC machine the location of the placement of tool’s tip relative to an identified surface.

Post Processor: Each controller has a distinct control code dialect. A post processor will translate the code into the appropriate CAM file ensuring the machine will be able to read it.

Work Coordinate System (WCS): This informs the CNC machine the location of the component in relation to the machine’s home.

Workholding: When you are cutting with a CNC machine, this is the structure or device that contains the workpiece or material.

Metal Machining

Metal machining is a trade replete with its own jargon. This is a brief list of terms to help neophytes. Hopefully, it will clarify certain terminology.

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