When Do You Need to Remove Your Hardwood Flooring

by | May 23, 2017 | Flooring Contractor

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You don’t have to have a damaged hardwood floor to remove it. Sometimes, you may do it as an upgrade to the existing one. Whichever the reasons you are doing it, make sure that the design elements and features correspond to the existing ones. Hardwood floors create welcome addition to a home, and today homeowners are realizing that they can increase the aesthetic and economic value of their homes. That said, you want to seek a professional hand when removing wood flooring in Charleston, SC. Here are reasons you may want to get rid of the existing wood floor.

Moisture damage
While hardwood floors are given treatment to prevent moisture and water damage, at times, if they are not taken care of properly or if there is excessive moisture, it may result in damages. A hardwood floor that has been damaged by moisture may look unsightly. You can replace your floor if this is the case. This will give a new feel and look to the home. Moisture can cause the planks to bend and tilt result in uneven surfaces.

An upgrade to the house
Sometimes, you just feel that the design you have for the planks does not impress you anymore. If you have the money, you can go for an upgrade. Upgrades are also important if you plan to sale the home. However, you need to ensure that they are not going to cost you a lot of money. Many homebuyers in the market are seeking for homes that have the right floor designs, styles, and materials- and hardwood floors come in handy.

Aged planks
With time, the hardwood floors will age. Although there are ways to treat them and ensure they look like new, sometimes, it doesn’t just work. This is so, especially if the wood has received a lot of traffic for a long time. Hardwoods can last many years and they are some of the most durable floor materials you can use.

However, like any other floor material, there is a lifespan for these planks and after that they won’t bring the curb appeal they used to. It is time to remove your wood floors if they are aged and replace them with new ones.

When removing wood flooring in Charleston, SC, make sure it is done properly. Otherwise, you might damage the subflooring surface something that may cost you a lot of money.

Your hardwood floor is damaged and you need to remove it and do a replacement. Where can you find a hardwood floor specialist? Call 843.345.7491 or visit us WebSite Page.

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