What are the Benefits of going to University?

by | Nov 16, 2011 | Education

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Going to university can potentially be one of the best experiences in your life. College education opens up your mind, provides better insight and perspective and improves judgment skills. On the down side college is a huge expenditure. When you leave college you will probably be saddled with thousands of dollars in debt and student loans. This usually discourages millions of American students from proceeding to college after qualifying their high school certificates. Many youngsters question the value addition that a university education may give to them. Aside from the high tuition fees that most college degrees demand, there is the question of lost earnings due to the opportunity cost of going to college over working full time.

There has been a lot of supportive evidence to show that going back to school to get the university education does pay off in the long run. The disparity in earnings between college graduates and high school graduates is very high. A high school graduate would on average earn a median income of $29,637 while a bachelors degree holder could expect to earn $48,375 and a masters degree holder can earn on an average $59,231 annually. The cost of acquiring a university degree is compensated by much higher earning potential and other advantages. Most universities help in finding ways for students to finance their education. Financial aid programs, scholarships and payment plan options can aid a student pay his or her way through university.

Higher education also gives a number of social advantages to a student. College education does enhance an individual’s social status and prestige. Many students find the quest of knowledge intellectually stimulating and satisfying. Graduates from college get better paid jobs, have more mobility when it comes to changing jobs and careers and also have more chances for career advancement. An average university graduate can expect an improved quality of life and better standard of living. The Carnegie Foundation listed in its published report that the benefits of a higher education were not just isolated to increased earning potential. Students from higher learning institutions tended to be more rational, more tolerant and open minded, showed more consistency, were more cultured and less rigid. The report further added that these benefits would be transmitted from the individual to the next generation, improving the lifestyles and life choices of their children too. When you consider the extent to which an education can influence your life and posterity to come, it makes sense going to university. Sacramento residents can avail the numerous excellent learning institutions in the area while seeking higher education.

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