Why Portable Banner Stands Belong in Your Tradeshow Lineup

by | Nov 21, 2018 | Business

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When it’s time to put together the materials needed for a tradeshow or exposition, most companies tend to focus on the big touches. While that tension fabric backdrop is critical or bringing viewers into a booth, smaller details should also be tended to. This is where portable banner stands can really make a difference in the overall booth design while also offering flexibility that larger displays simply cannot deliver.

While portable banner stands tend to be smaller than the larger backdrop displays, when they are well designed they can stand out just as much. Add to this the fact that they are easy to transport and lightweight and they can serve a host of purposes that can enhance an overall booth design. Here are just a few reasons to consider these accents in an overall tradeshow package:

* The affordability – Smaller, portable banner stands tend to be fairly affordable – even for companies with tight tradeshow budgets. When included as part of an overall package, these features add little to the outgoing expenses while enhancing the appearance of a booth immensely.
* The appearance – Portable banners can add to a display booth’s appearance by enabling focus on other products or services that go beyond what’s displayed on the main banner. They can also be designed to accent the main display and help bring in viewers.
* The flexibility – These smaller banner stands provide trade show staff with a bit more flexibility to help make displays stand out. When conditions accommodate, for example, these stands can be place outside a booth to help bring in more traffic.
* Their ability to stand alone – While banners are generally used as part of a larger display, they can stand alone when it’s needed. That means if this type of banner is included in overall preparations for tradeshows, two events or more can be run at the same time. This just offers companies who invest greater options and the potential for more visibility.

Putting together a tradeshow package isn’t an easy undertaking. Having the right materials calls for looking not only at the large visuals, but also the smaller details that help bring in traffic. When flexibility and affordability matter, portable banner stands can make a big difference.

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