Why is Mohair One of the Best Epoxy Roller Applications?

by | Dec 5, 2017 | Business

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If you are a distributor serving painting or building contractors, you have to provide a wide range of products and materials. For example, some companies (and homeowners) may be interested in supplies that they can simply throw away after use. However, low-cost supplies can’t get the job done effectively with some applications. When your customers need epoxy roller products for epoxies and sealers, they want materials that can stand up to the task. Here are some good reasons to stock quality-made mohair rollers.

What is Mohair?

You may own a mohair sweater because it is soft and provides a great deal of warmth. This material is made from Angora goat hair. Because mohair is natural, you get a roller that breathes and absorbs well. Mohair is also strong and can be reused in many applications.

Benefits of a Mohair Rollers

Although some professionals don’t recommend natural material rollers for applying heavy-duty sealing products, mohair is different. In fact, when you stock high-quality mohair rollers your customers can use them for a wide variety of purposes. Mohair makes excellent epoxy roller materials, and you can use the rollers on just about every type of paint. This also includes enamel and urethane finishing. You can buy these products with strong plastic cores or when you need something highly resistant to solvents, choose phenolic cores.

Mohair is a great all-around choice because it doesn’t drip and there is no lint to worry about. You won’t have to worry about splatter issues that can ruin a good sealing job. Your mohair epoxy roller absorbs a great deal of sealer or paint, so you don’t have to keep stopping to re-apply sealant. When you choose a supplier for your rollers, go with a company that has many years of experience and specializes in supplying painting distributors.

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