Why Choose Dental Implants Over Dentures to Replace a Missing Tooth?

by | Sep 20, 2019 | Dentist

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When you lose a tooth or there’s a gap that needs to be taken care of, you have two options to fix it. Your dentist can suggest a denture or dental implant. A denture is easier to get. It is also cheaper and causes no pain at all. However, you have to replace your denture every five years or when it starts to discolor. As for dental implant, though it is more expensive, the effect is lasting as it appears to be a permanent tooth after the procedure. For more information about dental implants in Chicago, you can check some of the popular dental clinics near you.

Here are other reasons why you should go with a dental implant.

It Improves Appearance

An implanted tooth looks like and feels like a real tooth. It fuses with the bone and becomes permanent. Since it is permanent and implanted, you won’t have to worry about it falling (like what happens to denture users). You can smile all you want, and no one would even notice that you had a dental implant.

It improves Speech

Dental implants in Chicago is a lengthy procedure. It takes a few appointments to complete it. Your dentist won’t just complete the process without ensuring that the implant fits you properly. Unlike dentures, there are ill-fitted dentures that cause speech problem to the wearer. Loose dentures can also cause you to mumble or slur without noticing.

It is More Comfortable and Convenient

As dental implants get fused to the bone, you will get more comfortable in the long run. It will feel like having a real tooth. Cleaning it is the same with your natural teeth and you won’t have to take it off during brushing (unlike dentures that you need to wash on a special solution for dentures).

If you want to learn more about dental implants in Chicago, you can check with Chicago Smile Design, a leading dental service provider in the area. You’ll find us at ChicagoSmileDesign.com

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