Women and men have very different emotional makeups and tendencies. Many intense research studies have only proven this notion with scientific facts. In every society, there is often a different expectation of what women should do and how they should act which is often different than men’s roles in society. This is just one reason why addiction recovery treatment should be more gender responsive in Eagan and elsewhere.
Women Are More Prone to Be Abused by Someone Close to Them
While abuse does occur in both men and women, researchers insist that women are more prone to being abused by someone who is close to them. This betrayal of trust often goes unnoticed for years even decades. All of that underlying emotional turmoil doesn’t stop for the victim of domestic or other abuse, and this is one of the most prevalent reasons why women will turn to drugs or alcohol to numb their inner pain.
What Does Gender Responsive Addiction Recovery Treatment Look Like?
Women often react differently than men in response to a frightening or emotionally draining event. When the pain gets buried deep inside, the person will often experience chronic pain and severe inner mental and emotional torment. While many substance abuse treatment programs offer both male and female treatment programs, women and men often feel more comfortable talking about abusive situations with others that are of the same gender.
Find Addiction Recovery Services That Are Gender Responsive in Eagan
Contact River Ridge Treatment Center by visiting their website today.