When you definitely need to hire personal injury lawyers

by | Jan 18, 2017 | Law Firm

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There are times when you are involved in an accident and all you are is shook up a little, in cases like this there really is no reason to get a lawyer involved, trading details is usually enough to get the damage repaired. On the other hand there are times when personal injury lawyers in NYC are a must. There are many times when the legal complexities are well above the head of a layperson or the injuries you sustained might be of such magnitude that the potential award is well above the norm or, as is true in many cases, the at fault individuals insurance company refuses to discuss a settlement. There are situations which genuinely require the assistance of a good personal injury lawyer.

Long term or disabling injury:
Serious accidents often result in serious injuries, injuries that impact your ability to earn a living and maintain an active lifestyle. The compensation for injuries that are forecast to affect your abilities for a year or more can be difficult to assess, an experience personal injury lawyer is well positioned to get the most of your claim for compensation.

Severe injuries:
In determining the amount of compensation your deserve, the severity of your injuries is often used and severity can be measured by the total of your medical bills including your physician, therapist, hospital and drugs as well as the type of injury you sustained and your recovery time. It is always a good idea to have a seasoned lawyer who can ensure you get the maximum award.

Insurance company refuses to pay:
There are plenty of examples of an insurance company simply refusing to even consider compensation let alone pay for your lost wages, medical expenses, pain and discomfort. Personal injury lawyers in NYC know how to deal with reluctant insurance companies and have no problem in threatening court action, something insurance companies want to avoid. For more information visit Frekhtman & Associates.

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