When do You Need a Wrongful Death Attorney in Michigan?

by | Feb 25, 2016 | Attorney

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Losing a loved one is never easy but losing a loved one because of someone’s neglect is something that can eat away at you, a wrongful death attorney in Michigan can help you to find some peace.  When someone that you love dies and it was a preventable death it can be a nightmare to navigate the court system on your own to get justice.  A wrongful death case can be very difficult to prove without the right legal expertise.

What is a Wrongful Death Case?

A wrongful death case can be brought in Michigan under the Wrongful Death Act which states when there is loss of life through neglect, willful misconduct or fault of another.  As a surviving family member it is your right to seek damages under this act. The right wrongful death attorney with the right experience can put together a case that will stand up in court and will get you the justice that you deserve for your loved one.


Justice is the goal when it comes to wrongful death actions. As a surviving family member the unrest that you feel knowing that your loved one was taken too soon can affect every aspect of your life. Ensuring that the wrongful death is recognized will help you to put your feelings of unrest at peace.  Compensation never makes up for the loss of your loved one but it is a penalty that should be paid in recognition of the life that was lost.  A wrongful death attorney can help.

 What You Need to Be Aware Of

If you are considering contacting a wrongful death attorney to open a suit for your loved one there are a few things, you need to know:

   * There is a time limitation on many cases
   * The act determines distribution
   * Even in a criminal action returned a not guilty verdict you may still file a wrongful death case

There is a time limit that a knowledgeable attorney can discuss with you.  The Wrongful Death Act spells out clearly how compensation is distributed.  Just because someone was not convicted in a criminal court it does not mean they will not be found responsible in a civil action. Speaking to an attorney that has the experience that you need can help to determine if you have a case and if it can be pursued.  Get the help you need today to get the justice your loved one deserves.

This is the place to go for a wrongful death attorney in Michigan that has all the answers that you need to get the justice that you deserve for your loved one. Visit website today and get your justice!

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