What To Expect With Root Canal Therapy In Baltimore City?

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Dentistry

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In Maryland, dental patients may require surgery to correct a damaged tooth more effectively. A root canal could present a more effective strategy for a tooth that has been repaired previously. The procedure may provide a more secure choice to eliminate a possible extraction. Root Canal Therapy in Baltimore City is available through local dental practices.

A Full Assessment of the Tooth

The first step is to complete a full assessment of the tooth. The dentist may acquire x-rays to determine if there is damage that isn’t visible immediately. They may also evaluate the previous repairs to determine what lead to additional damage. The assessment determines if a root canal is possible for the affected tooth.

Performing the Root Canal

The root canal procedure involves the complete removal of the nerve and pulp of the tooth. The dentist must drill out an opening in the tooth that is large enough to allow this extraction. Next, they clean away all decay that has developed around and inside the tooth. The tooth is injected with a composite resin that fills the tooth entirely. The dentist seals off the tooth with the resin and applies a dental crown for added protection.

After Care for the Root Canal

The dentist may schedule a follow-up appointment to evaluate the tooth. This evaluation determines if the root canal was successful. If further damage has developed, they may need to extract the tooth to prevent damage of the surrounding teeth.

When Should the Patient Contact Their Dentist

The patient should contact the dentist if the develop an infection or severe pain. The surgery may cause some discomfort initially. However, it should subside in a few days. If the patient develops these conditions, they should schedule an appointment immediately with their dentist.

In Maryland, dental patients could face extensive damage if repairs fail. This damage is addressed through more complex procedures such as root canals. The procedure is used to eliminate pain and reduce the onset of an infection. Patients who need Root Canal Therapy in Baltimore City should contact their preferred dental professional or click for additional info today.

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