What Problems Do Food Donation Camps Face Often?

by | Feb 7, 2022 | Charitable Trust

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Donating food to the needy is more than kindness. But people, who want the donations, should also possess enough interest. The food donation camps are seen working day and night to cover up the needs of the weaker/poor sections of society. Several food banks are also supporting the camps by providing them with the needful things. In today’s world, food donation in India has become massively successful right after the pandemic. The pandemic earlier had led the poor to sit on roads and ask for food from strangers. But the camps have nowadays made it way easier for them by reaching them food.

Disadvantages of Food Donation

Nowadays, somehow, the process of food donation in India is lacking. Negativities have been seen arising both from the food donation camps and the poor. Take a look at the disadvantages of food donations below:

1. The poor who receive the food from the camps are too picky, rather they don’t intend to have it.
2. Sometimes, there are too many people to ask for donations, so the environment seems a bit tricky and confusing at the same time.
3. Not every time the food stays edible when it comes to donating to the poor.
4. The poor people, who ask for donations, sometimes can afford to make their own food.

The disadvantages need to be turned into advantages but still, some remain unchanged. Furthermore, food donations in India have proven to be serving food to a huge population of the poor. Enlarging the areas of donating food can bring more smiles into account.

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