What Kind of Careers Are Available for Industrial Design Graduates?

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Education

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Your ability to earn a great living depends on your career. If you have already gotten an undergraduate degree in the industrial design field, then you are in luck. However, your work is not over yet. While you can earn a lot out of the gate when you are in this field, you should still consider seeking further education and getting an industrial design master’s degree in Chicago. Here’s why.


E-commerce is one of the biggest growing fields in the world with people creating new products every day. With the internet, you don’t even have to be in the same city as someone in order to sell products to them. This means there is a higher demand than ever for new things. If you can be the person to create these products, you will become invaluable.


One of the biggest demands for design comes from businesses that serve other businesses. They have to create products that fit unique needs. This requires someone that knows how to take an idea and develop it into something out of nothing, which is a skill that requires advanced education.

Interior Design

Every building needs a designer. Workplaces in particular must be laid out in a certain way. They need to be designed to optimize efficiency for staff and still appeal to potential clients. Practical and aesthetic considerations and how to integrate them into a cohesive design are things you can learn in a degree program.

Getting an industrial design master’s degree is one of the smartest things you can do for your future. You can earn a great living and have the time of your life. However, this success is not going to happen overnight, but you can take certain steps to help achieve your goals. Part of that is choosing the right school and getting your graduate degree sooner rather than later.

Learn more about the School of the Art Institute of Chicago today.

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