What an Emergency Dental Service Says About Reacting to Dental Emergencies

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Dental Care

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An Emergency Dental Service sees a wide variety of dental emergencies today, ranging from terrible tooth pain to broken teeth and beyond. The question that many people have when they are faced with teeth troubles is whether the situation is truly an emergency or whether it is something that is likely to alleviate on its own. While there is no way to answer that question definitively, there is one simple rule of thumb that may be helpful. Basically, if it seems like an emergency it almost certainly qualifies as one. If there is even the smallest amount of doubt that it can wait until the regular dentist is open, it’s best to see the emergency dentist to be on the safe side.

If there is bleeding from the mouth that does not abate after a few minutes, it is usually something that qualifies as an emergency situation. When kids lose a tooth, some brief bleeding is expected. However, there are very few other dental circumstances under which bleeding from the mouth does not count as an emergency. Place gauze on the bleeding area to absorb blood, and put light pressure on the area to help staunch the bleeding if possible while on the way to the emergency dentist.

If a tooth is knocked out due to trauma, it is vital to get to the emergency dentist immediately. If the knocked-out tooth can be retrieved, it should be taken to the dentist. The tooth should be handled only by the enamel, never by the roots. The roots are still living tissue for as much as an hour after the tooth is knocked out, and because of that the emergency dentist may be able to re-implant that tooth in its pocket. Store the tooth in a glass of regular cow’s milk on the way to the emergency dentist, as this helps it stay properly preserved for as long as possible. If the tooth got dirty, it is also okay to rinse it off very lightly with only water. When looking for Emergency Dental Service, consider talking to the Trusted Dentistry team. Find their website at Website Domain on the Internet now. You can follow them on Twitter.

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