Weight Loss Surgery and Procedure Selections

by | Aug 21, 2018 | General

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Obesity in America is a health crisis. Medical professionals from Las Cruces, NM to Washington, DC recognize this reality. They also understand how weight loss surgery plays a significant role in this situation.

Types of Surgical Weight Loss Procedures

Bariatric surgeries offer individuals several options. Among the most common types available for those considering medical weight loss procedures are:

  • Gastric bypass (GB)
  • Banding or Adjustable gastric banding (AGB)
  • Sleeve gastrectomy (SG)

It is currently possible to perform each procedure laparoscopically which reduces the risk of complications such as infections and incisional hernias.

Selecting a Procedure

While all types of weight loss surgery result in a decrease in weight, not all types are suitable for everyone. The selection process for a potential surgerical candidate takes into account the physician’s assessment of their physical and psychological assessment including the following:

  • Objectives
  • Commitment
  • Understanding of each surgical option
  • Co-morbidities, e.g. Type II Diabetes Mellitus

For example, does the candidate understand that gastric banding produces higher weight loss than adjustable gastric banding, but the odds become even greater with improved post-operative care? While some medical professionals in Las Cruces prefer gastric banding for diabetic patients; others may choose a different option.

Weight Loss Surgery: The Need for Dialogue

When it comes to battling obesity, sometimes the only option is bariatric surgery. The Las Cruces medical community understands the need for weight loss surgery to address the obesity crisis. However, they also understand the prerequisite to involve candidates for the procedure in the decision. With several options available, it is essential to provide information on each type of procedure and also to listen to the candidates. An informed candidate is better able to work with a surgeon to find the best method to help them overcome problems associated with curing their obesity.

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