Ways to Tell That You Need Sewer Repair in Northport, AL

by | Mar 3, 2020 | Plumbing

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If you’re looking for sewer line replacement in Northport, AL, you may be wondering if your sewer line has to be replaced, or if you can go with sewer repair. A sewer line is an extremely important part of your home plumbing system since it carries waste from your home out to the main sewer line. When you’re dealing with broken sewer lines, you could be dealing with all sorts of issues, including sewage overflow and other unsightly events. Following are some ways to tell that you need sewer line repair or replacement.

Toilet Bowl Water Level Changes

If you notice that your toilet bowl water level keeps changing, it could mean that you have a clog somewhere in your sewer system that is causing a backup and making the water level inconsistent. Reach out to your plumber.

Bad Smells

If you notice that areas like your backyard or your basement are starting to smell bad, you could have an issue with your sewer. The smells to look out for include sewage, mold, or rot smells.

Slow Drains

If you’ve noticed that any of the drains in your house are taking a long time to empty, you could be dealing with a sewer issue. This includes anything from your bathtub drain to your kitchen sink drain getting backed up instead of emptying out. Slow drains issues like these may mean that your pipes are backed up deep within your house.

Reach out to Sitename so that we can help you with sewer line replacement in Northport, AL.

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