Understanding Your HVAC System

by | Dec 2, 2019 | Heating and Air Conditioning

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Can you name any of the parts of your HVAC system? If so, do you know how they work? Since an AC unit is so important in your home to cool down you and your family, you should at least know the basics of the system, especially in a hot place like Atlanta. Even though the system might seem extensive or even overwhelming, it’s not as complicated as you think. Let’s take a quick tour of an HVAC system in Atlanta.

Parts of an AC System

You might not believe it, but an AC unit is actually made of two main parts: the condenser unit and the evaporator unit. The condenser unit is the part that’s outdoors, and the evaporator unit is indoors, located on the furnace or air handler. The condenser turns a gas substance into a liquid through the cooling process. Further, there are three types of condensers: evaporative, air cooled and water cooled.

An evaporator unit is the area where the refrigerant actually absorbs the hot air and is located near the blower fan. While the AC unit is running, the compressor is responsible for pulling the cold refrigerant through the evaporator coil. Doesn’t sound so difficult, right?

Types of Systems

You should also know about the various systems available and their basic characteristics. A central air conditioner is a popular HVAC system in Atlanta. They’re highly efficient in cooling entire homes and can last 15 to 20 years. A window unit is exactly as its name applies and is good for cooling a single room or a small area. A mini split system is great for new homes but can also be customized for older homes. The beauty of this system is no duct work is needed.

For more information about an HVAC system in Atlanta, Moncrief Heating & Air Conditioning is it the Moncrief Heating & Air Conditioning website or call 404-350-2300.

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