Understanding the 3 Benefits of Composite Bonding

by | Nov 9, 2021 | Dental

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Composite bonding may sound like some kind of futuristic material, but it’s actually quite simple. It’s just one of many composite restorative techniques that dentists use to improve the look and feel of your smile. Below are three of the most common benefits of composite bonding that you should know about before your next visit to the dentist.

1. Correct Poorly Aligned Teeth

Composite bonding in Glenview is a type of dental veneer that can be placed to correct poorly aligned teeth as a result of grinding, clenching, wear, and breakdown of your teeth. The composite material is bonded directly to your natural tooth enamel, then polished to match your existing smile. Dentists typically use composite bonding on front teeth for cosmetic reasons; however, it’s also extremely useful for back teeth that are prone to cracking or damaging easily.

2. Fix Worn Down Teeth

While composite bonding can make a smile look very natural, it may also be a good option for those who have worn down their teeth. The composite material acts as a cushion between your tooth and any other object you might bite into, which helps to protect against cracking or chipping your teeth. In some cases, it may even help to minimize sensitivity caused by damage from foods or drinks.

3. Improve Appearance

Another benefit of composite bonding is its ability to improve appearance. Since this material is not as thick as porcelain veneers, many patients find that they don’t need to compromise on appearance when they choose composite bonding.

If you choose to smile with a full set of teeth, composite bonding will make it possible for you to finally do so. Although veneers and other dental restorations can also enhance your appearance, they cannot provide a complete solution if there are gaps in your smile or missing teeth.

Contact Chicago Beautiful Smiles, if you need composite bonding in Glenview. Visit Chicagobeautifulsmiles.com for more information!

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