Transgender Therapy: Takes tremendous courage to make the first appointment

by | Mar 22, 2018 | Transgender Surgery

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Gender therapy is difficult not only because it takes tremendous courage to make the first appointment, but because it takes deep introspection of oneself to fully realize self-acceptance. Additionally, there can be co-morbid conditions that make it difficult to distinguish what is truly causing the dysphoria or anxiety. These can be sorted out by an experienced professional who is also well versed in treating transgender patients.

While some trans individuals realize their true gender identity at a very early age, others take a different path of fully accepting themselves later in life. There are many factors and variables that can affect this decision and each journey is different. However, there is one constant – a deep seated and constant distress in the realization that one’s inner gender identity is opposite their biological sex.

It is important to note that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness or condition. Clinical research has revealed a strong biological connection which explains why trans individuals experience this discomfort at a very early age which continues throughout their life. If left untreated, it can become chronic leading to severe depression, anxiety and even suicide.

Therapy is a catch-all term for numerous approaches to mental healthcare. While individual therapy is the most common, group and family therapy may be needed. Each type of therapy has specific benefits that patients realize and there is no “one fits all” type of approach.

Holistic therapy is treatment which aims to treat the patient as a whole, rather than as a being separated into different parts which do not interconnect. In other words, it’s treating patients with a multi-faceted approach of mind, body and cognitive behavioral therapies.

Historically speaking, resources for trans people and anyone who questioned their gender was sparsely available at best. Fortunately, we’ve moved forward into a clearer understanding of the science and art of gender. This involves taking a broad, or holistic approach to care that addresses various aspects that can cause dysphoria for a trans person. Since each trans person’s experience is unique unto themselves, the core form of any effective therapy is determining what is best for the individual.

Gender therapy can take the form of individual therapy, child therapy, group therapy or all the above. It’s important to note that the best approach is one that is unique and tailor-made for the individual as this will have the best results.

At the International Center for Transgender Care, we offer all of our services in a supportive, welcoming environment. Contact us to schedule a consultation at (972) 543-2477. We understand that transgender therapy is a vital component of the transition process, and we look forward to assisting you in this journey.

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