Tips to Help Parents Give Their Children the Best Dental Health

by | Nov 23, 2020 | Dental Care

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Parents are naturally concerned about the oral health of their children. Here are a few things that parents can do to give their children the best dental health possible.

The American Dental Association recommends that children begin to use fluoride toothpaste from the moment they get their first tooth. Parents can smear a tiny amount of toothpaste on the first teeth when the child is about age three. This will prevent tooth decay, which is an epidemic with young children these days.

Taking children to the dentist when they are young is important. The dentist will conduct a thorough oral exam and provide parents with basic dental information that can set their children on a path to have healthy teeth. It is important to find a dentist who offers kids teeth cleaning in Eastvale and has experience as a pediatric dentist.

An experienced pediatric dentist who offers kids teeth cleaning in Eastvale will know what to do to make your children feel comfortable when visiting the office. They will also know how to teach parents and children proper brushing and flossing techniques. Most dentists recommend that adults visit the dentist two times a year for an oral exam and cleaning. Visit the dentist as soon as your children’s teeth break through and find out how often they need to have appointments scheduled.

Learn how our team at Kids Dental Specialists provide the highest quality pediatric dental care and ensure that children feel comfortable throughout their appointment by visiting our website at

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