Tips On Reducing Energy Costs For Your Air Conditioning Unit In Medford, OR

by | Nov 2, 2015 | HVAC Contractors

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No one wants to give up their air conditioning, but saving money on the electric bill would be fine. The general principle in saving on a/c costs is to stop heat from coming in, remove heat naturally and plan to run appliances and electronics during off-peak hours as much as possible.

Attic Insulation: Houses in the south, particularly, may have only minimal insulation in the attic, but the air conditioning runs a lot. If the attic has only 5-6″ of insulation, doubling the insulation would reduce heat gain and be an excellent cost-saver.

Leafy Trees: Large, leafy trees can be very effective at keeping the heat out, reducing roof and wall temperatures by as much as 20 degrees at noon. Buying the biggest tree that is affordable is a good investment (large trees also add to the value of the home). Don’t forget to also shade the outside a/c unit.

Keep out the Sun: Solar screens prevent as much as 70% of the sun’s energy from warming the inside of the house. Drawing the drapes or closing the blinds during the day are old tricks, but still work.

Caulk Doors and Windows: It’s surprising how much heat can be kept out by caulking doors and windows. A 1/8″ gap around two doors is equivalent to a 6″x12″ window.

Let the Heat Rise and Exit: A “chimney effect” can be created by opening windows at both the ground and attic levels.

Light Colors Reflect Heat: If repainting the home or a new roof is planned, use light colors that reflect heat rather than dark colors that absorb heat.

Run Appliances at Night: Whenever possible, run dryers, washers, dishwashers and electronics during off-peak hours when the rate is lower.

Discount Programs: Check with your utility company to see if there are any discount programs you would qualify for.

A/C Maintenance: Keeping the Air Conditioning Unit Medford OR running efficiently pays off. A well-maintained system can save up to 5-40% in energy costs, depending on the equipment.

Jahnke Heating & Air Conditioning Inc can give you a free quote on the most effective way to reduce the utility bill, a new energy-efficient cooling system. They also know how to keep your current Air Conditioning Unit Medford OR operating at peak efficiency. Give them a call and learn more about their commitment to excellent customer service and fair prices.

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