Tips for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh

by | Nov 19, 2019 | Pest Control

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Carpenter bees nest in wood. They prefer bare, unpainted, or weathered softwoods like pine, cedar, and cypress, but any wood surface can be susceptible to carpenter bees. Although these bees do not sting, they can wreak untold havoc on homes as they drill into the wood to build their nests.

Don’t just ignore carpenter bees. Instead, check out the following tips for Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh .

Residual Liquid Treatment

Pest control specialists often apply liquid treatments to areas affected by carpenter bees. The best time to apply these treatments is in March or early April before the bees nest for the season. These residual insecticides only last two to three months, even if they’re protected from the rain, so it’s important to stay on top of repeating this treatment method.

Dust Application Treatment

Dust insecticides are better than liquid residual insecticides for treating current infestations. The dust must be applied to all active carpenter bee holes. Unfortunately, these holes usually curve at a 90-degree angle and can be anywhere from six inches to four feet deep, so it’s difficult for homeowners to apply this treatment without professional help.

Plug Up the Holes

After all the carpenter bees have been exterminated, plug all the holes with wood putty. It’s best to implement this form of Carpenter Bee Control in Pittsburgh during the early fall after all the bees have been killed but before winter hits. Check the putty in the spring and reapply as needed.

Carpenter Bee Traps

Carpenter bee traps can be hung at the entrance to active nests. They can also be used to prevent boring, to begin with. To use traps as preventatives, place them at the peaks and corners of the sunny side of the home.

Hire a Professional

If all of these techniques sound like they take a lot of time and energy, it’s because they do. Homeowners who would prefer to hire a professional to exterminate existing carpenter bees and take preventative measures to stop future infestations can trust The-Beeman to provide excellent service and professional results. They can browse the website to learn more about this well-respected local pest specialist or get in touch to schedule an inspection today.

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