Things to Know about Pediatric Eye Care in Grand Rapids

by | Aug 12, 2015 | Eye Care, Eye Care, Health And Fitness

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Children’s vision problems are sometimes obvious but not always. In fact, a child can experience difficulties and you might not be aware of it. Here are some important signs to look for (which may point to vision disorders) and you’ll want to contact the best pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids has to offer.

Reading Position

Have you checked your child while he or she is reading? Does it seem like the child is holding the book or reading material much closer than normal? Maybe the book is being held farther away than it should be. This could be an indicator or near or farsightedness, or other problems.

When a young person blinks more than usual it can indicate an eye problem. This may include excessive eye watering also. Frequent eye irritations can be a sign of problems also. Is he or she rubbing the eyes repeatedly? If so, ask your child why he or she is doing this, or better yet, see a doctor.

Unusual Reading Habits

Do you notice anything odd or unusual about your child’s reading habits? Perhaps he or she constantly loses place while reading. Any type of unusual behavior should be a red flag and you may want to check it out closer, and seek professional pediatric eye care in Grand Rapids.
As your child reads, he may have to start over many times. This could be a problem with reading skills, and it might be due to vision problems.

Difficulty in School

Has he or she been experiencing problems in school? Perhaps class work has been unsatisfactory. Some types of behavioral problems can be a result of inability to see the blackboard. Many children may not want to talk about vision problems because they think they might need eyeglasses. Kids are very self conscious about their appearance and it is up to the parent or teacher to notice vision problems and explain the importance of proper vision to young people.

Medical Problems

Some medical issues can be caused by vision. For example, when children cannot see properly they could be straining their eyes and this can lead to frequent headaches. Pain medications may help temporarily, but unless the cause of the problem is treated, it may get worse.

Television Watching Habits

Often times, kids with eye problems will sit too close to the TV set. They also may squint when they try to see. Anytime you notice a change in your child’s lifestyle, it could be due to vision and when you seek out the best pediatric eye care Grand Rapids has to offer, your child can get the help he or she needs.

If you would like to receive the kind of pediatric eye care Grand Rapids trusts, come to Grand Rapids Ophthalmology. To check out all the services we provide, visit us online now at URL.

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