The Importance of Professional Teeth Cleaning

by | Sep 12, 2017 | Dentist

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Most dentists recommend their patients head in for professional Teeth Cleaning around once a year. The reasoning behind this suggestion isn’t just aesthetically motivated, though. Routine cleanings can help promote better overall oral health and prevent many serious health problems.

Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissue surrounding a patient’s teeth. When left untreated, it is one of the most significant causes of bone loss. Practicing good oral hygiene at home, including brushing and flossing twice a day and the use of mouthwash, can help prevent gum disease, but they do not take the place of regular professional cleanings.

Detect Oral Cancer Early

Early diagnosis is one of the most important factors when it comes to improving the prognosis for any cancer patient, and oral cancer is no exception. Every routine dental cleaning also involves a professional screening for oral cancer.

Early Detection of Other Problems

In addition to screening for oral cancer, a dental hygienist will take a look at the patient’s teeth themselves to make sure they are in good shape. He or she will look for cavities and other problems and suggest treatment based on the patient’s unique needs.

Maintain Good Oral Health

Routine Teeth Cleaning helps to promote overall oral health. The dental hygienist performing the cleaning will be able to take note of any new problems and compare the patient’s current oral hygiene to previous visits. He or she can then make valuable recommendations as to any changes the patient should make to his or her at-home care routine.

Keep That Smile Bright

Of course, dental cleanings also help to promote a brighter smile. Patients who receive the routine dental care they need are more likely to feel confident showing off their pearly whites, and this, in turn, improves confidence levels in other aspects of their lives. Keeping that smile looking bright and healthy is one of the benefits of routine cleanings that patients appreciate the most.

Schedule an Appointment Today

All of these benefits and more can be reaped by any dental patient ready to commit to yearly cleanings. Most dentists also recommend a second visit to evaluate overall dental health halfway through the year. Visit us for information about one local office that is taking new patients and get on track to a brighter smile today.

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