The Convenience of Mobile Imagery in and Around Oakbrook Terrace, IL

by | Sep 23, 2022 | Medical Facilities

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PET scans offer a level of diagnostics not always available through other tools. Your patients will appreciate the convenience of a mobile cardiac PET scan that can be available close to their homes.

Mobile PET Scanning

Mobile PET scanning combines the availability of equipment, the care of trained professionals, and the technology of a cardiac PET scan.

Physicians Who Perform the PET Scanning Procedure

The medical personnel who will be caring for you have extensive training in PET imaging. A certification program is required for anyone operating the 3D PET machine to maintain the effective accuracy of results.

Your primary physician will be able to access your PET images remotely as soon as they are available in the database. These images can be used to help diagnose and monitor your condition. Permission can be given to any other medical personnel who is directly involved in your treatment and care.

Mobile Cardiac PET System Specifics

This innovative cardiac PET system uses a Rubidium-82 generator, which emits the 20mCi intravenous positron isotope to the heart. The scanning technology of the 3D PET scanner records the path of the Rb-82. The procedure is repeated after the patient has been given a sedative.

The patient is exposed to a minimal amount of radiation, and the total time of the PET procedure is approximately 30 minutes. The quality of this method of 3D imaging is some of the highest of any comparable imaging method.

Contact Cardiac imaging, Inc. today to learn how a mobile cardiac PET scan can offer a convenient and safe method of diagnosing and monitoring your cardiac condition.

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