Strategies to Speed Up Your Healing After Your Cataract Surgery

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Optometrist

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If the natural lens of your eye becomes cloudy, you probably have a cataract. This lens opacity causes blurred or dim vision, excessive glare when looking at bright lights, and makes colors look dull.

While changing your eyeglasses prescription might prove minimally effective in enhancing your vision, cataract surgery is the only treatment option that will greatly improve your sight. Here are some strategies to help speed up your healing after your eye surgery in Jacksonville FL.

Wear Your Eye Shield

After your cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist will place an antibiotic ointment or drop into your eye, dress it with a gauze pad bandage, and then cover the eye with a protective aluminum eye shield. This is done to protect your eye from an injury should you accidentally brush up against it with your hand or bump it in any way.

Do not take your eye shield off at any time because if you do, you’re risking an eye injury. Your post-operative visit with your eye surgeon will take place the day after your cataract surgery, and at that time, the physician will remove the eye shield.

Avoid High Eye Pressure

After your cataract surgery, the pressure behind your eye can rise temporarily. When eye pressure, also known as intraocular pressure, gets too high, retinal damage and vision loss can occur. Because of this, avoid activities that may raise your intraocular pressure after your eye surgery in Jacksonville FL.

These activities include bending over to retrieve items from the floor and climbing the stairs. After your eye has healed from the cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist will clear you to bend down and climb stairs.

To learn more about how you can speed up your healing after your cataract surgery or to make an appointment with an eye doctor, contact us anytime.

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