Stay Connected by Getting a Free Government Phone in Oklahoma

by | May 16, 2022 | Telecommunications

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In order to maintain contact with other people, a cell phone is usually needed. However, you might not be able to afford a phone with the income that you have. Fortunately, free government phones are available. Here are some details to keep in mind before applying.

Government Programs

If you already receive government assistance, then you’re usually automatically eligible to receive one of the free government cell phones for low income families. These programs include food stamps, Medicaid, and Medicare. Speak with your caseworker to find out how to obtain the phone and how it can be activated.


When you apply for one of the free government cell phones for low income families, you need to provide as much proof about your income, housing situation, and other details that are needed when the application is completed. This can decrease the wait time for getting an answer about your application since the agency would have all of the details it needs to process how much you make along with verifying your address and how many people live in your home.


There are a few plans that are available with government phones. You can get something basic that only has a certain number of minutes available to use each month. There are also plans that include free texting and free data. Keep in mind that you’ll usually receive a certain amount of data, and if you go over this amount, you’ll have to pay out of your pocket if you want to add more until the following month.

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