Slip and Fall Case: What You Need to Know

by | Mar 8, 2017 | Law Firm

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What does “slip and fall” mean?

This is a term used in personal injury cases wherein a person trips or slips then suffers from a fall, sustaining injuries from the accident, all while on someone else’s property. Reuters says these cases typically fall under “premises liability” claims. In such cases, property owners are often held liable for any of the damages to the injured party.

What causes these accidents?

Bad lighting, torn carpeting and even narrow stairs could contribute to the accident. A wet floor could also be a factor. Customers who enter a commercial establishment have the right to expect safe conditions. Anything that contributes to a slip and fall accident could be viewed as enough grounds for a personal injury claim to be filed. If you plan on filing for a claim, hiring a slip and fall attorney will help.

Reporting a claim

An experienced lawyer can help you go through the steps and file your claim right. Mistakes could lead to delays and that’s the last thing you want to happen. With a lawyer, you have someone to help you file and report your claim.

Be right on time

These claims have a window. With a lawyer, you can report a claim early on, ensuring you get a chance to pursue the case and get the compensation you deserve.

Get the right compensation

Your lawyer will be there to assess your claim and help you determine the right amount of compensation so you won’t fall for settlement offers that unfair or barely enough to cover the costs.

Deal with insurance providers

Insurance providers could trip you up and force you to say the accident was your fault, reducing your chances of getting the optimum compensation you deserve. With the help of a slip and fall attorney, you have someone to handle all that on your behalf.

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