Should You Hire a Lawyer to Handle Your Social Security Disability Case?

by | Mar 29, 2017 | Lawyers

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If you have become unable to work because of a medical condition and need to apply for social security disability benefits, the question you may ask yourself is, “Should you file a claim yourself, or hire a disability attorney to represent you?” It is a question you need to consider carefully, since it may be one of the most important decisions of your life. Getting a disability claim through the gauntlet of the SSA is a long and difficult process. In some cases it can take 2 years and possibly 1 appeal to get your benefits approved, in the meantime you are not only dealing with potential financial crisis but also serious health problems. Most people give up while waiting for their claim to be approved. Charlotte social security disability lawyers have experience in handling social security disability claims and can relieve the anxiety and stress that come with trying to deal with the system on your own.

The Responsibilities of Professional Lawyers

Your benefits are more likely to be approved if you are represented by an attorney that specializes in social security disability claims. The responsibilities of professional lawyers know the ins and outs of the process. They will work hard in collecting all the documentation necessary to support your case and make sure your paperwork is filled out completely and accurately before submitting it to the SSA. Charlotte social security disability lawyers have the expertise and know what medical information will help your claim and will obtain additional documentation from your healthcare provider if needed.

What Happens if Your Claim Goes to a Hearing?

If your claim happens to go to a hearing, an attorney will accompany you to court, prepare you for your testimony, cross examine expert witnesses and argue your case before a judge. Your attorney will assemble all the evidence you will need to support your claim and ease your path through the hearing process. They know and understand how difficult and stressful this time can be for you and will stand by your side from start to finish as well as make sure you receive the benefits you deserve. For more detail visit us Website Page.

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