Recover and Heal With a Sport Massage in Honolulu HI

by | Feb 8, 2017 | Health

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Many spas and resorts now offer sports massages and clients are often confused why. Often times, customer and clients pass on the opportunity to have a sports massage because they assume that it is only for athletes, but more and more research is starting to show that anyone can benefit from having one. Here is what to expect when getting a Sport massage in Honolulu HI.

A sports massage is beneficial to anyone that has any aches or pains anywhere on their body. The massage therapist will typically use different techniques to stimulate circulation and work on different trigger points on the body to help the body release tight muscles.

The first thing to expect is to have a consultation with the massage therapist. This is a good time to talk about all the aches and pains that are occurring. The massage therapist won’t be able to work them all out in one session, but the pains could be related and it’s all good information for the therapist to keep in mind. At this point, the therapist will also establish a plan of what areas to work on for the current session.

After the consultation, the therapist will allow the client some privacy to get ready for the massage. It’s now time to get under the sheets and get comfortable. Once the client is ready, the therapist will enter the room and start the session, generally warming up the muscles first. The massage is typically an hour long and the therapist will use different techniques to release tight muscles in the neck, shoulders, lower back and legs. At times, clients may feel uncomfortable because they aren’t sure of what to say or are uncomfortable with the silence. Don’t worry about trying to make conversation. The therapist is there for the client’s comfort and to work on their muscles.

Once the massage is over, the therapist will give the client a few minutes to collect themselves and come back for a recap of the session. During the recap, the therapist will usually collect payment and if the client wants to book another session, they can do so at this time.

These sessions are highly recommended for anyone that suffers from any kind of ache, pain or tight muscles. Getting a Sport massage in Honolulu HI could be the key to feeling energized. To book an appointment, click here.

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