Reasons to Hire a Family Lawyer in Silverdale, WA

by | Jul 17, 2017 | Divorce

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If someone is thinking of divorce, or if a spouse has already started the process, it’s the right time to hire a Family Lawyer in Silverdale Wa. Below are several reasons to have legal representation during a divorce.

Help in Assessing Options

When granting a divorce, courts require the settlement of issues such as property division, child custody, spousal support, and child support. Parties often use these issues against one another to make negotiations go in their favor. Because family attorneys have experience with divorce cases, they can recommend the right course of action in most situations.


Because they’re not personally involved, a family lawyer can be objective where a spouse cannot. During a divorce, emotions run high, but an attorney can use his or her training to approach the situation in an unbiased way. For instance, a client may be tempted to take an early settlement to resolve the question of property division, but an attorney may advise them to wait for a more equitable distribution.

Red Tape and Paperwork

As with other cases that go to court, a significant amount of paperwork is involved. While the extent of the work can vary, a Family Lawyer in Silverdale Wa can file and submit the right forms to finalize a divorce.

Consultants and Experts

When handling a complex divorce case, particularly those where a couple has substantial assets, a family lawyer may work with consultants and other professionals. With the help of these witnesses, a lawyer can support a client’s arguments related to a case’s financial aspects.

Dispute Resolution

An experienced lawyer will know whether a divorce case can be resolved through alternative methods such as mediation or collaborative law. These methods are not only beneficial, they can help clients save money, time, and emotional turmoil.

Get a Case Review

Whether a spouse thinks they can settle a cause through mediation or believes it will go to trial, it’s not necessary to go through the process alone. An experienced attorney will know which steps to take to ensure the most favorable outcome, and they can provide aggressive representation in court. Start today by visiting the website or calling to schedule a case review.

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