Questions To Ask Metal Stamping Manufacturers

by | Jul 7, 2017 | Metal Fabrication

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Not everyone that is an OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) is an expert on all aspects of the production of parts and components. This can make it challenging when there is a need to hire companies and outsource some or all of the fabrication needs.

For a low-cost, efficient and rapid option for producing formed metal parts, metal stamping offers an ideal process. Finding the right metal stamping manufacturers will come down to comparing options and services while also considering the price.

To help to determine the company to work with from a short list of potential metal stamping manufacturers, here are four essential questions to ask. Some manufacturers will have information on their website but always verify the information on the website is accurate before the final decision.

Industry Specific Experience

Asking about the company’s experience in a specific industry is essential. Metal stamping is used across a wide range of industries and having the knowledge of component requirements and any specifications related to a specific application is essential during the design and production process.

Volume Requirements

Some metal stamping manufacturers have specific volume requirements to obtain the best cost per unit. It is important to provide this information and get a specific quote based on the actual volume of production, the number of orders and even the frequency of the orders.


Not all metal stamping facilities have the capacity to add additional orders to be completed within the time your business requires. Top companies can provide accurate information on how long of a lead time they require for any order in production, which is essential to know before committing to a service provider.

Assembly Possibilities

Asking about the assembly options that the metal stamping service can provide will also be essential. Some of these companies are able to complete robotic or resistance welding, riveting, taping or hardware insertion, saving you time once the parts and components arrive at your location.

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