Presenting Children’s Bible Stories to Discover a Relationship with God

by | Sep 13, 2017 | Church

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Teaching children is certainly not a task to be taken lightly, no matter what their age is. Beginning at the earliest age, such as preschool, it’s important for each child to experience God in a big way. At Word of Life Christian Center, services are brought to life with excitement and passion, thanks to volunteers who are specially trained to help each child discover a relationship with God.

The Foundation

Building a child’s relationship with God can best be accomplished by presenting children’s Bible stories, demonstrating Biblical principles and values in an enjoyable and interactive way. This may include Bible lessons, skits, puppet shows, praise and worship. These programs can be especially fun and exciting for those of elementary age, with the added touch of providing a “cool” place where kids can build lasting relationships.

Young people grow and become all that God wants them to be through an array of activities such as video games, air hockey, board games and much more. Of course, it’s always important to present children’s Bible stories, sharing the Word in a fun and relatable way. You can be sure the services include something for everyone.

Small Groups

One of the most important elements at Word of Life Christian Center is the use of small groups, especially for children in 4th, 5th and 6th grades. They break into small groups, and leaders discuss and review the day’s lesson. This gives each child the opportunity to talk with each other and with church leaders. You’ll find that your child will grasp the lesson better and learns practical applications for the lesson by meeting in smaller groups.

What happens at home has a major impact on the child’s life, which is why church leaders are committed to helping parents raise their child to love, trust, and honor God. This is best accomplished by presenting a Big Idea, based on a Bible lesson, which the child can take home as a way to engage their parents with their spiritual growth. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.

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