Preparing for a Hearing in Front of an ALJ

by | Jul 19, 2016 | Legal

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nce you have finally secured a hearing with an ALJ, you will want to ensure you are prepared as possible. With this in mind, we have created a brief guide that will help you guarantee you have all the proper documents in order, so that you can enter your hearing with confidence.

Always Bring Up-to-Date Medical Records

More than anything else, bringing your most recent medical records is a necessity. If you do not have this information, an ALJ will not be able to properly evaluate your case, and your hearing will be mostly useless.

Gathering Up-to-Date Medical Records

Once you have schedule your ALJ hearing, you need to begin gathering your newly-updated medical records. Request every updated record from every medical provider relevant to your case. To be sure you get all the documentation you need, always try to give your doctor at least 20 days to prepare the requested medical materials. In addition to the material your doctor gives you to hand over to the ALJ and the SSA, you should make copies to keep in your own personal files.

Bring Doctor’s Statements

Beyond basic documentation, you will want to get as many on-the-record doctor’s statements as possible to support your need for disability benefits. These statements need to be extremely detailed, and cover your functional limitations, and other relevant information the SSA looks at to determine your disability needs. To guarantee their statement is effective, you can request that they fill out an RFC form.

Ask for a Case File Review

Before you attend your ALJ hearing, you can request that your entire care file be reviewed by SSA staff. This will allow you to determine the exact missing documentation you need to find, as well as prepare you for any technical mistakes that need to be corrected. By doing this simple step, you greatly boost your chances of successfully obtaining valuable social security disability benefits.

Hire an Attorney

Attorneys know exactly how to navigate you through this complicated hearing process effectively. To hire some of the best social security disability attorneys in Cleveland, Ohio, you need to check out the attorney team at Liner Legal, LLC. Contact us today to set up a free consultation.

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