Portfolio Management – Meaning and Important Concepts for Investors

by | Jun 8, 2022 | Financial Services

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Portfolio managers make strategic financial decisions and formulate practical ideas for an investor.

Portfolio Managers in Dallas

There are four types of portfolio managers in Dallas. They all have key responsibilities in the workplace.

The Active Portfolio Manager

Active portfolio managers are tactical and cunning. They’ll buy undervalued stocks to sell them later at a higher price. These managers are driven by data, statistics, and ratios.

The Passive Portfolio Manager

A passive portfolio manager forms theories and creates a hypothesis during the decision-making process. This management style is precise. It heavily focuses on the price of the stock.

Portfolio Management in Dallas – A Discretionary Portfolio Manager’s Role

A discretionary manager works for an investor with full leeway. However, there are restrictions on the job. For example, a discretionary manager must meet goals within a specific time frame. The investor can have input, but the manager will adopt the best investment strategy for the company.

Portfolio Management in Dallas – A Non-Discretionary Portfolio Manager’s Role

This type of portfolio manager in Dallas is basically a financial counselor. A counselor guides an investor down the right path during investment meetings. If there are challenges ahead, a good non-discretionary manager will carefully weigh and outline the pros and cons for the investor. However, a non-discretionary manager is not in charge. He or she will need permission to make decisions on the investor’s behalf.

There are passive, active, discretionary, and non-discretionary portfolio managers in most cities. If you need a portfolio manager in Dallas, contact Westwood Holding Group, Inc. at their website.

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