Pest Control in Puyallup, WA for When Summer Drives the Vermen Indoors

by | Jul 28, 2016 | Pest Control Service

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Summer’s heat and humidity have a way of driving even the most tolerant souls into the waiting arms of the nearest air conditioner. Unfortunately, the elements seem to have the same effect on certain creatures not welcomed indoors. Once they’ve made their way into your home, they’re not exactly willing to leave on command. While seeking Pest Control in Puyallup Wa may be your only way to eliminate these uninvited guests once they’ve arrived, you can take a few steps to make your home a little less inviting to them.

Rodents tend to enjoy the foods you’re probably storing in your home. Cereals, fruits, veggies, cookies and other staples make tasty treats for mice and many of their cousins in the animal kingdom. If you’ve noticed certain telltale signs of rodents, like droppings, corners missing from boxes and packages or even food items seeming to mysteriously relocate themselves, you might want to take action.

Try to refrain from keeping fruits and vegetables in open containers on your counters and tables. Store them in sealable baggies or in the fridge. Transfer sugar, flour, cereal and other dry items from their original packaging to airtight canisters so pests can’t easily partake of them. Pet food falls into this category, as well. Mice also like to borrow newspapers and cardboard boxes to help make their nests inside your home. Roaches happen to thrive on these items. Again, plastic storage containers could go a long way toward keeping pests like these at bay.

Though Pest Control in Puyallup Wa helps rid your home of bugs, rodents and other undesirables, it’s important to find out how they got inside in the first place. Pest control specialists are trained in locating possible entry points around your home and sealing them. Whether at ground level or around the roof, if these passageways aren’t eliminated, pests will see them as an open invitation.

Taking away the alluring elements drawing pests into your home may make them less likely to come inside. If they’ve already invaded, a professional pest control company could be your best hope for getting rid of them. From proactive measures to reactive solutions, contact your local experts to help make sure your home is your haven from the heat, but not a welcoming escape for all things furry, crawling or slithery.

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