Personal Injury Claim: What are Damages?

by | Feb 9, 2017 | Lawyers

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What are damages?

In tort law, damages refer to compensation in monetary form paid to the harmed or injured party. There are two types of damages, says the Cornell University Law School: compensatory and punitive damages.

What are compensatory damages?

This one refers to payment meant to compensate for loss or injury. For instance, if you suffered a bad fall because of a slippery floor, the shop could be held liable for the costs of your treatment, loss of your wages and in some cases, home maintenance expenses.

What are punitive damages?

This refers to payment awarded to serve as punishment for the liable party. For instance, if the defendant is a repeat offender or did anything to contribute or even cause the accident intentionally, then punitive damages are awarded to discourage the same thing from happening in the future.

Do you need a lawyer?

Personal accident suits can be challenging. If you have zero legal training and know-how, getting the services of an attorney will help. But not just any attorney would do. An experienced and competent one is the best accident lawyer for the job. Don’t forget to make sure the lawyer has a good reputation for settling cases in court. That kind of reputation, paired with long-term experience in the industry, is a good indication as any that you’re getting good legal help.

How can a lawyer help?

Aside from helping you through the administrative tasks involved in the case, a lawyer can provide you with legal options, help you prepare for court and fight for your case and rights on your behalf. Need evidence to support your claims? Your lawyer can help unearth facts and information to build a solid case. With the help of the best accident lawyer you can find, you can look forward to receiving the compensation you deserve.

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