Payment Plans for Heating Oil in Clinton

by | Jul 31, 2017 | Petroleum Products

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Heating oil in Clinton can be expensive due to several unpredictable factors. The market, the supply, political issues, the number of really cold days in the winter, and the length of the season cause pricing and needs to fluctuate. That can create havoc on the budgets of most families.

Oil companies will offer a budget plan to spread expenses out over the whole year. The standard agreement specifies the number of gallons allowed for the season, the price per gallon, and the amount of the monthly payment. Families can add that consistent payment into the budget and rest assured they will be warm and comfortable.

More Than One Plan

Most companies offer one budget plan and customers can decide whether or not to participate. Experienced oil delivery companies, such as East River Energy, will offer more than one alternative payment plan. Customers have a total of four plan options to cover the cost of heating oil in Clinton. The flexibility means there is a payment plan to suit any financial need or preference.

The prepaid plan provides customers with an opportunity to lock in the price per gallon for the entire winter. A specific number of gallons is determined based on usage the previous year. One full payment is made when the agreement is signed. The advantage is increasing prices will not be a factor in the cost of oil. This is ideal for people who can afford to make a lump sum payment.

The budget cap plan is similar to the standard budget plan offered by other companies. Monthly payments are made all year around and price protection is offered in the event of spiking prices.

Price of the Day Plans

These two plans allow customers to take advantage of fluctuations in pricing. They also carry a certain amount of risk if prices rise and keep rising all winter. Both plans provide heating oil at current market pricing. One requires payment in full within fifteen days of delivery. The other allows payments to be made monthly throughout the year, but is based on the price per gallon at the time of delivery.

Families select the payment plan of their choice prior to the beginning of the season. Those who wish to order delivery and pay as the season unfolds can do that as well. A minimum delivery consists of one-hundred gallons of oil.

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