Medical Device Contract Manufacturers: Making The Right Choice

by | Aug 14, 2017 | Medical Equipment

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In today’s manufacturing, contracting out work is common. This approach embraces a wide array of companies including automotive, electronics and pharmaceuticals. As OEMs, they contract out to reduce costs, improve quality and enhance production capabilities. Medical device contract manufacturers offer one clear example of how OEMs and contractors can work together. Of course, it is essential to find the right partner in order to make the relationship successful.

Considering Specific Characteristics

In opting to create a partnership with a contract manufacturer (CM), it is extremely important for the medical manufacturing company to make certain the two are compatible in so many ways. While price is always a significant factor in choosing the right CM, the Medical OEM must also take into consideration certain other aspects or characteristics. Below are several to consider when searching through the list of medical device contract manufacturers for the best candidate.

 * Focus: It is important to discover the CM’s production focus. Is it on price or delivery time? Does product quality reign supreme?
  * Accreditations: Does the CM have the right accreditations e.g. ISO 13485? Are they in compliance with all FDA regulations?
  * Communication skills: Does the CM respond to your emails, phone calls or other forms of communication quickly and effectively? Do they express themselves clearly? Do they listen to what you have to say and answer your questions? Can they communicate effectively one-on-one and in groups? Can an agent or pertinent staff member be physically present when necessary?
  * Equipment/Technology: Does the CM have the right equipment for your work?

Make sure you have a face-to-face meeting to discuss goals, therefore ensuring both parties have a clear understanding of each other.

Medical Device Contract Manufacturers

A successful partnership is one working as a unit. Finding the right collaborator among available medical device contract manufacturers can be a challenge. It is important, however, to not sign a contract until your company is certain the partnership will work.

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