Mattress Protector Buying Guide

by | Apr 12, 2016 | Business

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If you are on the market for a new mattress protector for your mattress or crib, you may be confused as to where to begin. There are so many of them to choose from that it can make it challenging to find what you are looking for. Whether you are looking for a mattress protector that is hypoallergenic or an antimicrobial mattress protector, it is important to know the difference between the two so you make an informed purchase.

Different Mattress Protectors

A mattress protector is used as a buffer between your mattress and your fitted sheet to create a level of protection that keep out moisture and bacteria. These protectors are made of a number of different types of materials and can be thin or thick. They not only offer a high level of coverage when it comes to comfort, they can also serve as an allergen and insect protector for the person sleeping in the bed. Fitted, elastic strap, and zippered are the three basic types of protectors you will find on the market.

Reasons to Buy One

Many buyers believe that if they are using a fitted sheet they have no reason to use a mattress protector. However, a protector can help in a variety of ways.

  • Prevent stains on the mattress
  • Keep a mattress dry and clean
  • Provide extra support and comfort
  • Protect against dust mites and bed bugs
  • Increase the life of your mattress

Qualities to Look for

Every consumer’s needs may be different but there are some features that you may want to look for when you are shopping for a mattress protector. You are going to want to factor in size and whether or not the protector is hypoallergenic. You will also want to determine what level of comfort you are looking for as some of them do offer extra padding for added comfort. The higher the thread count, the higher quality that the protector will feel. You will also want to choose a protector that is easy to clean and wash. These are all factors you can check before you purchase the protector.


Regardless of the type of mattress protector you are looking for, you will never run out of options to choose from. You will also want to keep your budget in mind when making your purchase. These protectors can add several years onto your mattress which will save you a great deal of money.

If you need an antimicrobial mattress protector, then Mattress Safe has them in stock. Visit their website for more information.

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