Keep Healthy Eyes by Asking These Questions

by | Jul 18, 2017 | Health

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You want to keep your eyes as healthy as you can. Regular visits to your eye doctor are a part of that, but you are as responsible as your doctor for the health of your eyes. That responsibility translates into asking the doctor questions and following their advice. Here are some questions you should be asking your eye doctor.


Ask your eye doctor in Highland Park or another city what tests they are doing on your eyes in the appointment. What do those tests tell them? What do the results mean? Understanding what is happening in your appointment is the first step to taking control of your eye health.


Based on your family history and the tests done, you might be at risk for specific eye diseases. Ask the doctor about what these might be. Also take the time to ask what you can do to prevent these diseases. Asking early and following the doctor’s advice might be the difference between keeping healthy eyes or developing a disease that threatens your vision.

Monitoring Health

What symptoms are concerning enough to note? Ask your doctor for some clarification about what you can do at home to monitor your eye health. Changes in sight over time can be hard to notice if you don’t intentionally check in with yourself. Doctor advice is helpful for figuring out what you can do in those self-checks.

Appointments/Follow Up

Ask your doctor when you should schedule your next appointment. If you currently have an eye condition, ask about what appointments should be scheduled to follow up with that. What other follow up information can help you with your current eye condition?

Getting involved in your health by asking your eye doctor questions is an important step to keeping healthy eyes. Make sure to go into every appointment with some questions in mind, and listen to the doctor’s answers. Take notes if that helps you remember. Especially in the case of preventative advice, it’s important to follow the doctor’s instructions for the best eye health.


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