Is Mobile Recruiting Top of Your Hiring Approach?

by | Jun 8, 2017 | Business

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Should you consult several online surveys which provide information about how individuals use their mobile phone in the modern era, you will find that around 75% of website searches are performed on smartphones. HR executive search firms in Minneapolis are aware of this trend and are adopting mobile recruiting as a major forward-looking strategy.

Do You Need Tech Savvy Individuals?

Where you are using your favorite HR executive search firm in Minneapolis for an IT position, you can guess that the percentage of website searches may be considerably higher as individuals live on their smartphones to listen to music, watch their favorite movie and make inquiries about recruitment processes.

Should your current recruitment strategy not include online recruiting that is mobile friendly, you may be missing out on a substantial part of the jobs market.

You do not necessarily have to ask your IT consultants to write new smartphone apps as your first move into the mobile friendly market. By ensuring that your current site is perfectly mobile friendly, individuals searching for executive positions will find that the page adapts to their computer use.

You will be mistaken for thinking that the majority of HR executive search firms in Minneapolis are purely targeting the younger age range for mobile friendly recruitment processes. Surveys suggest that candidates from the age of 40 and over are the fastest-growing users of mobile apps.

By adapting to your candidate’s requirements, you will be proving that you are a company that keeps IT and technology at the forefront of your strategy. Candidates may ignore organizations that do not adopt the use of mobile-friendly sites.

Your IT consultants will need to adapt your recruitment process online to be easily manageable on smartphones, tablets and laptop computers and easily interchangeable. You may use a third-party web developer to complete the process for your organization, and you should check with your candidates to enquire and ask for reviews of your updated websites to prove or disprove their effectiveness.

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