Important Details & Information of Lap band surgery in El Paso

by | May 22, 2020 | General

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Some people who struggle with being overweight choose to have lap band surgery in order to help their weight loss become something that is easier to maintain. Lap band surgery, though it sounds scary since it is a surgery, is actually a minimally invasive procedure. The procedure includes small incisions in the abdomen region so that small cameras can be utilized to place the device. There are no large cuts so that means no stapling has to be done to complete the surgery. Once the small incisions are made, a band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach so that it is divided from the lower part. This creates a pouch that will hold only a small amount of food at a time.

Lap band surgery El Paso is meant to help obese individuals lose weight by restricting the amount of food they can take in at one time. The patients generally feel full after eating only a small amount of food. The procedure itself only takes half an hour to an hour, depending on the surgeon and other elements involved. Once the procedure is complete, the doctor will want to monitor the patient’s progress every couple of months for the first full year.

Lap band surgery, though it can greatly aid weight loss, cannot completely do away with overeating issues. The surgery needs to be followed up with diet and exercise plans in order for the patient to get the full effect of the band. The patient will also have to remember to eat slowly and not eat between meals. It is also advisable that the patient not drink while eating and it is a good idea to avoid fiber filled foods that can cause the small pouch to become blocked.

There are many advantages of having lap band surgery. The greatest advantage to most people is effective, long-term weight loss results. The band, once it is in place, can be adjusted over the years and the amount of food that passes through can be modified in order to slow weight loss. The procedure is also reversible.

Though there are benefits to having lap band surgery, there are also possible complications. Lap band surgery, for example, may maximize a person’s chance of getting gallstones because of possible poor nutrition. There are also problems that can occur that force the band to slip, which causes another set of complications.

Anyone considering lap band surgery in El Paso should talk to his or her doctor about the procedure in detail including the procedure itself, the recovery process, the change in lifestyle, the cost, and the follow up visits. There are no questions too small or irrelevant when it comes to having any type of life-altering surgery.

website url is a website that helps individuals understand various weight loss surgeries including everything from cost to recovery with options for free seminars and much more.

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