How to Maintain a Tin Ceiling

by | Jun 5, 2015 | Business

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A tin ceiling is an important part of your home’s structure and architecture. Since tin does not contain iron, it can’t rust. Because tin can give a home individuality and help create a fashion statement, it’s beneficial to use tin tiles or other forms of tile ceilings in your home. This ceiling is relatively easy to maintain and clean. Use the following tips to perform this task.

When you first have your tin tiles or tin ceiling installed, ensure that you thoroughly read any instructions that come with the installation. Questions or concerns should be directed to the manufacturer of the ceiling or the installers. It’s a good idea to take pictures of your ceiling as proof of the way it looks. This will help provide evidence in case you have to file a claim.

Closely inspect your ceiling or tile tins to see if they are painted. You can use a ladder or chair to perform this task. Ensure that you have someone hold the chair for you. A ladder should be opened all the way with the spreader in a horizontal position and spreader lock in please. Ensure that you have plenty of sunlight or indoor light to do this inspection. You can also use a flashlight with a high-intense beam. Wear protective eye-wear since older pain may contain lead that can get into your eyes.

Use a tool such as a duster, dust cloth, or mop to dust your ceiling. This is especially important to do if your tin ceiling is in the kitchen. It’s helpful to spray this tool with water to capture dust it comes into contact with. You can use a household cleanser of your choosing and mix it with one part water. Use a sponge to remove residue from your ceiling. Rinse with clean water. Use a dry cloth to remove excess water.

Taking care of your ceiling on a regular basis will allow you to preserve much of its original condition. For more information in tin ceilings, please talk to a professional at Abingdon Construction. You can also visit the website of this company to view its services. This company can handle many services for enhance customer service and increased customer retention. Click here for more details.

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