How to Get Your Product Approved by ASEP Panama

by | Dec 6, 2023 | Legal

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Bringing your products to the market can be challenging, but it can be even more daunting to get them approved by the regulatory body in charge of ensuring that products meet the national standards and requirements. In Panama, the Autoridad Nacional de los Servicios Públicos (ASEP) is responsible for product approval, and navigating their approval process can be complicated. In this blog post, we will be providing a guide on how to get your product approved by ASEP Panama.

Determine Whether Your Product Needs ASEP approval

Not every product that is sold in Panama needs ASEP certification. Typically, products that are related to public services, such as electricity, transportation, telecommunication, and water fall under ASEP Panama. Additionally, some products that are considered to be potentially dangerous, such as chemicals and medical equipment, will require ASEP approval.

Review ASEP’s Product Approval Process

It is vital to familiarize yourself with the steps required for approval to avoid any setbacks during the process. ASEP Panama has a detailed procedure for product certification, including submitting an application, testing the product through a third-party laboratory, and completing the necessary documentation. You can obtain more information about ASEP’s approval process by going through their website or consulting with a local professional.

Obtain Necessary Documentation

Once you have determined your product needs ASEP approval, you need to gather all the relevant documentation needed to complete the application process. This will include certifications and test results from approved third-party laboratories, as well as the required legal documents, such as registration certificates, invoices, and notarized contracts. Ensure that all the documents are correctly filled and signed by the authorized personnel as per Panamanian law.

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