How Do Waterless Urinals Work?

by | Jan 13, 2017 | Water Saving

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You will know that many parts of the world suffer from an extreme shortage of water, but as you travel across the US, surely there isn’t a shortage of water to flush the urinal’s? When asking how do waterless urinals work, consider the millions of dollars that can be saved by not flushing and just as importantly, the millions of gallons of water no longer flushed away?

You May Already Have Used Waterless Urinals

Because you don’t always see urinals flush when they are in use, you may not have realized that you may have already used waterless urinals. While the technology is not hundreds of years old, waterless urinals have been mandatory within state buildings in Arizona for the past decade. So, how do waterless urinals work?

First, the important information. Waterless urinals are used in exactly the same way as flushing urinals, so men do not have to adjust or adapt to a new system. Instead of flushing, the liquid drains using gravity.

They Look the Same

The urinals look the same as the traditional model, except there are no pipes for the water intake, as water is not required for flushing. In the conventional plumbing system, the urine and water is flushed straight through to the water treatment plant. When asking how do waterless urinals work, the waste is sent by gravity direct to the water treatment plant without the addition of flushing water.

The modern system uses extremely efficient eco-trap inserts with cartridges. This ensures that any foul odor cannot rise and fill the urinal area, as it does in the traditional method. Essentially, a liquid or oil floats on top of the urine, which prevents the gases filtering back into the restroom.

Modern technology ensures that the surfaces of the urinal bowl are smooth and urine repellent. For those who wish to complete their knowledge of the system, waterless urinals are cleaned in the same way that you would clean a water flushing urinal.

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