How Child Support is Determined for Junction City, KS, Parents

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Legal

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Laws in the state of Kansas outline how courts determine matters related to child support. If you are involved in a custody or child support case, here is what you should know about the guidelines.

Courts Consider Money and Time

Child support guidelines for Junction City, KS, cases are based upon a fair division of money and time between the two parents. This is why you may hear about cases in which the parent who has the greatest allocation of time with the children receives child support payments. Both parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, yet each parent may have different resources with regards to time and money.

Direct and Indirect Expenses are Considered

When calculating which parent con contribute monetarily to a child’s upbringing, the court considers both direct and indirect expenses. Direct expenses are those that are paid to a parent to support the child, and indirect expenses are paid to a third party, such as an insurance carrier, mortgage company, and utility companies.

Calculations are Based on Gross Income

Calculations that are defined in child support guidelines for Junction City, KS, are based on your gross income that you earn before any deductions are taken. The court then considers the deductions, such as insurance premiums, taxes, and business expenses for self-employed individuals.

Learn More About Child Support Guidelines in Junction City, KS

If you have a pending child support case, speak with one of the attorneys at About your case. A lawyer ensures that the child support determination from the court is equitable and fair. Call them today or visit their website at. You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information.

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