How A Pool Cleaning Service In Houston Can Keep An Exterior Pool Clean All Season Long

by | Nov 3, 2017 | Swimming Pools

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A pool can transform a dull and boring outdoor area into a beautiful oasis that can be the perfect place to escape from stress. The problem is that many homeowners become overwhelmed by the idea of maintaining a pool, which can require several hours of work every week. Fortunately, a Pool Cleaning Service in Houston will be able to utilize the following techniques to keep a pool beautiful and safe for use all summer long.

Regular Vacuuming

Debris that is not filtered through the pool’s skimmer basket will often sink to the very bottom. In addition to causing the pool to look dirty, it can also cause damage to the lining of the pool and lead to leaks and other safety issues. Regular vacuuming will remove these contaminants and prevent the onset of damage to the liner or injury to those who use the pool.

Pump and Filter Maintenance

The pump and filter are used to keep the water sparkling and clean, and often utilize water pressure and sand to capture debris and prevent them from being released back into the water. The pump and filter should be inspected on a weekly basis and flushed as needed to avoid a buildup of debris which can decrease the filters abilities. A Pool Cleaning Service in Houston will perform these essential steps on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and help keep the water clear and ready for use.

Chemical Levels

If the chemical levels in a pool are not regularly monitored, it can lead to the formation of harmful bacteria and cause the water to be unsafe. Professional pool maintenance companies offer regular chemical checks and will ensure that the sanitizer, pH, and water hardness levels are safe for both those who use the pool and the equipment that is used to filter the water.

Owning a pool shouldn’t be stressful, and the best way to prevent it from becoming more work than fun is to hire a professional pool company. The team at Cryer Pools and Spas offers complete pool maintenance services. Visit our website to learn more about the services provided, and take the first step in making pool and hot tub maintenance as simple and straightforward as possible.

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